
No artist tolerates reality.

McKee Method

Eminescu vs Caragiale

"Pe cind unul staruia in gindul ca buni au fost, buni trebuie sa fie si buni vor fi oamenii, celalat il incredinta ca asa sint oamenii de rind, asa au fost totdeauna si asa au sa si ramiie in vecii vecilor, unii prosti, altii misei, niste pocitanii, care rid cu pofta cind se vad insisi pe sine cum in adevar sint.
Daca cinic ii era Caragiale lui Eminescu, acesta ii era lui Caragiale un copil naiv, care-i socoteste pe ceilalti oameni la fel cu sine, si nu-si da seama ca ei sint niste imbecili, pe care nu-i iarta puterile a fi cum trebuie si ar si voi sa fie.
Doi oameni in multe privinte foarte deosebiti, care se cautau unul pe altul si se bucurau cind puteau sa petreaca un ceas, doua impreuna. Era o placere nu numai pentru dinsii, ci si pentru orisicine care vedea cum petrec impreuna"
- Ioan Slavici

at 1 inch above ground

I am not interested in presenting men and women as they are, as reality makes them be, in their total reality.
I want to show the pure stratum of them. That inner side that didn't, yet, get soiled by the human to human eternal stupid battle.
Now that I still can, that I still see the Pure Side of people, I need to form it, to describe it in some way.

My stories don't show the things "as they are", but the things in their deeper untouched isness. Is not magical or spiritual, is just something other, as simple and beautiful as any daily way of life.
The same, only at 1 inch above ground.

This inch is offensive, this inch can kill you, can scare you, can traumatize you if you are not open to it. This inch is superb but also so so so dangerous.

Reality is Ego - noise music-video