If you want to understand a little about what a producer is, and what he does into a film, and what are the hardships of some huge producers out there.
The Producer
If you want to understand a little about what a producer is, and what he does into a film, and what are the hardships of some huge producers out there.
Acting as the Pure Pawn
Acting as an art form is a person's representation of fear of being used, of the fact that your actions will
harm yourself and act as aid, without your consent and knowledge, for
another one.
Having no control over your actions.
Being a pawn. Deserving to be a king.
Acting, Performing is the Freedom out of acknowledging that you have no control,
into a Protected Space.
And through that, learning how to become a Pure Pawn, to find out what you can control, learning how to accept all lack of control,
and become fully a Pawn.
A pawn that can act himself so good, so pure that can become anything.
A Pure Pawn is as a King. There is no difference.
Having no control over your actions.
Being a pawn. Deserving to be a king.
Acting, Performing is the Freedom out of acknowledging that you have no control,
into a Protected Space.
And through that, learning how to become a Pure Pawn, to find out what you can control, learning how to accept all lack of control,
and become fully a Pawn.
A pawn that can act himself so good, so pure that can become anything.
A Pure Pawn is as a King. There is no difference.
Art as Fear
People invented Art as a safety device - a Protected Space between self and the real dangerous objects. And dangerous is anything with a will of its own. Anything that can push us out of control, into danger and loss.
- animals, people, God, nature, destiny, desires, emotions, self
- social structure, moral demands, virtues
- drawing, sculpture, dramatic writing, film, dance, architecture, sports, games
Each represents a different kind of fear.
Each one is a different kind of Space where one can meet safely with his own fears.
People consume (meet) Art only there where their fears lie in.
Protected Space
[...J]ust as individuals do, human societies tend to see what they want to see. They create national myths of identity out of a composite of historical events and fantasy narratives that, if not challenged, lead to destruction.
[...] Cultures that endure carve out a protected space for those who question and challenge national myths. Artists, writers, poets, activists, journalists, philosophers, dancers, musicians, actors, directors and renegades—that just about covers everyone in this tent tonight—must be tolerated if a culture is to be pulled back from disaster. He points out that these artist renegades serve as prophets and are therefore dismissed, labeled by the power elites as subversive. Given the harsh realities of Peter’s earlier life I would add that society’s wrath does not stop at dismissing the voices of subversives, as we know about so many who have suffered at the hands of those who would silence them.
[...V]isionary artists like Peter Schumann are our sharpest eyes, our keenest ears, our most adept linguists as they see that which has been made invisible or unwelcome, they hear the voices missing from our dominant narratives and they speak in languages that pierce unconsciousness and translate slick sound bites into nuanced and deeper understandings of our world.
from: http://www.clydefitchreport.com/2012/08/questioning-myths-bread-puppet-theaters-peter-schumann/
[...] Cultures that endure carve out a protected space for those who question and challenge national myths. Artists, writers, poets, activists, journalists, philosophers, dancers, musicians, actors, directors and renegades—that just about covers everyone in this tent tonight—must be tolerated if a culture is to be pulled back from disaster. He points out that these artist renegades serve as prophets and are therefore dismissed, labeled by the power elites as subversive. Given the harsh realities of Peter’s earlier life I would add that society’s wrath does not stop at dismissing the voices of subversives, as we know about so many who have suffered at the hands of those who would silence them.
[...V]isionary artists like Peter Schumann are our sharpest eyes, our keenest ears, our most adept linguists as they see that which has been made invisible or unwelcome, they hear the voices missing from our dominant narratives and they speak in languages that pierce unconsciousness and translate slick sound bites into nuanced and deeper understandings of our world.
from: http://www.clydefitchreport.com/2012/08/questioning-myths-bread-puppet-theaters-peter-schumann/
Thank you all that made our projects possible. By remembering your
presence in our projects and the things you've done, make me so
overwhelmed by gratitude and amazement that so many lifes and souls, so
many emotions and ideas have lived and united in QualiaFilm's videos,
videos that doesn't promise you anything precise, nothing useful,
nothing to be proud of. And still all of you had something to take away
with you from these experiences and that is the most beautiful thing in
the world. People that live for life itself and explore it as such a
magnificent Jewel it is.
Thank you with all my heart.
Andrei Stefanescu
for our collaborators and participants
see our Thank You page: -------->
Thank you with all my heart.
Andrei Stefanescu
for our collaborators and participants
see our Thank You page: -------->
If you would like to help us raise some money for our projects, we would
love to help you in return with our films, workshops and experiences,
with explanations, insights and information about the World we work to
please refer to our FINANCING PAGE here on the right ----->
or pressing the Financing word :)
please refer to our FINANCING PAGE here on the right ----->
or pressing the Financing word :)
“The only difference between an artist and a lunatic is, perhaps,
that the artist has the restraint or courtesy to conceal the intensity
of his obsession from all except those similarly afflicted.”
– Osbert Sitwell
– Osbert Sitwell
Ceva foarte ciudat
Ceva foarte ciudat se intimpla...
2000 de view-uri pe zi pe youtube pe 11, 12, 13 decembrie
800 pe vimeo
majoritatea din Pakistan, India, Grecia si Israel
Pe piratebay a aparut un torrent pe 11 decembrie
care a avut 600 de seederi, si 800 de leechersi si este pe toate toate siteurile de torrentzi
acum a ramas la 57 de seederi si 16 leechersi :)
Saru-mina mult Pakistanului si lui HotPena
sau oricarui domn care a provocat aceasta explozie minunata de decembrie
Cum spunea Woody Harelson intr-un film despre vicepresedinta lui McCain,
"Everything lasts 48 hours these days"
2000 de view-uri pe zi pe youtube pe 11, 12, 13 decembrie
800 pe vimeo
majoritatea din Pakistan, India, Grecia si Israel
Pe piratebay a aparut un torrent pe 11 decembrie
care a avut 600 de seederi, si 800 de leechersi si este pe toate toate siteurile de torrentzi
acum a ramas la 57 de seederi si 16 leechersi :)
Saru-mina mult Pakistanului si lui HotPena
sau oricarui domn care a provocat aceasta explozie minunata de decembrie
Cum spunea Woody Harelson intr-un film despre vicepresedinta lui McCain,
"Everything lasts 48 hours these days"
The Absolute Nothing
Si tot in decembrie, luna exploziei acestui film, au aparut, surprinzator si citeva comentarii
primul comment pe IMDB venit din Grecia:
se intitutleaza - the absolute nothing
"I am very sorry that i can not give zero stars to this "movie". It is the most wasted time of your life. Long, speechless shots, without meaning just to take some time and not to be a short movie. I am sorry because some people spend time and money for this "movie" and sure they love it but it is the worst movie i have ever seen and i have seen a lot of movies. The theme of the movie is so serious but the "movie" is absolutely ridiculous. Just waste of time and nothing else. Such a waste... Anyway that is just my opinion and just the way i see this film. The best way for you is to watch that "movie" and have your own opinion (if you have 65 minutes to waste). "
iar pe Cinemagia au aparut alte commenturi:
"NU pot sa cred ca ca astia sunt actori, sau regizori, asa ceva trebuie sters de pe fata pamantului, ROMANIA TREZESTETE-TE esti plina de incompetenti, care habar nu au sa vorbeasca apai sa mai gandeasca!!! "
"Nu credeam sa existe un film mai slab decat "Aurora" lui Puiu. si totusi...regizorii romani se intrec pe sine. "
"Cum sa zic...un film care pe alocuri mi-a parut chiar interesant. Scena cu drumul spre casa lui are o incarcatura destul de consistenta. Si monologul de la inceput, cu " vreau doar sa sug pu_a, nu vreau sa salvez animalele" :)) Daca ar fi avut un plus de dinamica, ar fi fost perfect. Una peste alta, n-as zice ca am pierdut o ora aiurea. Oricum, nu va asteptati sa vedeti Casablanca; e pentru amatorii de filme mai fucked up."
primul comment pe IMDB venit din Grecia:
se intitutleaza - the absolute nothing
"I am very sorry that i can not give zero stars to this "movie". It is the most wasted time of your life. Long, speechless shots, without meaning just to take some time and not to be a short movie. I am sorry because some people spend time and money for this "movie" and sure they love it but it is the worst movie i have ever seen and i have seen a lot of movies. The theme of the movie is so serious but the "movie" is absolutely ridiculous. Just waste of time and nothing else. Such a waste... Anyway that is just my opinion and just the way i see this film. The best way for you is to watch that "movie" and have your own opinion (if you have 65 minutes to waste). "
iar pe Cinemagia au aparut alte commenturi:
"NU pot sa cred ca ca astia sunt actori, sau regizori, asa ceva trebuie sters de pe fata pamantului, ROMANIA TREZESTETE-TE esti plina de incompetenti, care habar nu au sa vorbeasca apai sa mai gandeasca!!! "
"Nu credeam sa existe un film mai slab decat "Aurora" lui Puiu. si totusi...regizorii romani se intrec pe sine. "
"Cum sa zic...un film care pe alocuri mi-a parut chiar interesant. Scena cu drumul spre casa lui are o incarcatura destul de consistenta. Si monologul de la inceput, cu " vreau doar sa sug pu_a, nu vreau sa salvez animalele" :)) Daca ar fi avut un plus de dinamica, ar fi fost perfect. Una peste alta, n-as zice ca am pierdut o ora aiurea. Oricum, nu va asteptati sa vedeti Casablanca; e pentru amatorii de filme mai fucked up."
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