"In Rio das Mortes, I realized for the first time that Rainer was fully in charge as director. He stylized Hanna and Günther Kaufmann not just on film but right there in real life. The way those to acted—nobody talks that way and nobody walks that way. If finally understood that he used this artificiality as a tool. That was something special."
Rio Das Mortes - Fassbinder
"In Rio das Mortes, I realized for the first time that Rainer was fully in charge as director. He stylized Hanna and Günther Kaufmann not just on film but right there in real life. The way those to acted—nobody talks that way and nobody walks that way. If finally understood that he used this artificiality as a tool. That was something special."
Linear A - synopsis in english
Linear A is a story about an experimental noise music band made up of Linn (m) and Valerie (f).
They set up for a performance at an abandoned locks. Omondu (m), their friend films them, more against their will than being happy to be filmed and promoted by someone.
Somewhere far away, over the locks, during their performance, a young woman just lays around waiting to die of hunger and thirst. Hearing their noise she stands up and looks at them. Linn sees her and then Omondu who turns and films her.
After they stop singing, they leave without talking at all with her - Yba (f). But she runs after their car. Valerie stops the car and takes her with them. Linn doesn't want her...
At their home, Omondu proposes to Linn and Valerie to make a porn film for money. Valerie leaves the room without answering and takes Yba with her, in the courtyard they play with their fingers in the earth.
In the house Omondu films Linn and annoys him with it, not letting him to write his poems. He has a few lines written down but he cannot continue. Linn takes the camera from Omondu and films him. He puts Omondu to take his clothes off and asks him how he feels doing it. Yba comes in the house through the open window and then comes near Omondu while Linn is filming, she answers to Linn questions, she said "I feel like a crumbled paper"
Later. Yba is sleeping and she starts talking in her sleep, a very strange dream, with three women with big nails made out of wood that dig deep inside a man's organs. Yba is one of them and she can't stop, she is drawn towards that man's insides. Linn listens to her and then while still sleeping he takes her into Omondu's car and they all go to a big abandoned furnace to sing again, trying to heal her, trying to heal Yba's dream world.
In the car Linn ties Yba in the shape of a plastic bag.
At the Furnace Linn dances with his body painted red, black and blue. He sings weird lyrics as: "I wonder at the open flower of the crippled lady's middle" Valerie is concentrated at the electronics of the sound, she creates the sound, with a laptop, a mixer, and effect and strange electronics.
Later. In the city near a busy road, in an abandoned building Omondu and Valerie have sex. Yba is beside them, she looks at them. Valerie whispers - Harder, harder...
Valerie asks Omondu for some money, he thought this will be a great fuck between friends but being asked for money makes him feel very weird. He gives her and then leaves. Yba and Valerie remain there, he asks her: "How could you define this pleasure?"
Valerie and Yba walk on the streets, they buy sweets and soda with the money from Omondu. Valerie writes on a wall "Don't be afraid of the ugly" Valerie dances with her white big headphones on. They have money, they have fun.
Linn is kissing Yba in a room filled with light. Then in black he talks to Valerie - Linn tells Valery he can't love her. "There is no love, love is for common people"
Omondu comes at their house with his uncle - Banil (m), something that Linn was always against, although the house in which they live is Banil propriety. Banil is on a couch looking at Linn how he prints a book. A book written by Linn, a book without a subject. Omondu holds Yba in his arms. Yba doesn't like it. She like Linn, she love's Linn. Linn prints the book and gives it to Banil, Banil reads a fragment and trows it on the ground. Its stupid. He leaves.
Banil came here to see what is his nephew doing. What is this band that he talks so often about. These pure artists that would die for their art. "They bring dead things back to life" Also Banil forces Omondu to go to a weird business meeting. There is some conflict between him and Maikal, a rival that wants and can take all Banil's contracts. Omondu is his best negotiator.
Valerie sings for the first time. She yells on stage. She is alone. Linn is in the public. The small crowd in a very small art gallery. After the performance Yba helps her to stand. She gave it all. She gave all her inner rage.
Outside Linn yells at Valerie that she shouldn't perform for herself, for getting over things. Their performance is about and for others, not for themselves. Valerie runs away.
She comes and takes Yba and leaves Linn. The two girls go into some woods where they play and where Yba tells Valerie why she wanted to die.
Linn is alone. At his house comes Omondu very upset. His rich uncle didn't understood at all his love for Linear A.
Now Omondu wants to become one of Linear A, to renounce it all and become a part of Linear A. Banil comes after Omondu and steals him from the house and takes him somewhere in the mountains in a small chalet. Omondu runs away and goes to a rival of Banil's, to destroy Banil's business. Constance takes Banil that puts him in a basement to force Banil to accept their demands. Banil refuses but would make the deal if she - Constance (f) will be his girlfriend and associate and will agree to keep Omondu in the dungeon. Constance remains with Banil but them helps Valerie to take out Omondu from the basement.
Valerie and a sick Omondu run away. Yba remains with Constance. Linn is inside a sewer, living there in continuous meditation. There are flowers all around him. Valerie comes and says goodbye. Linn doesn't brake meditation.
Constance talks at the phone with her father Maikal, the rival of Banil. "And where will them two go now?" "Nowhere, they will be back soon."
For many a pornographic film, for me, a Zen story, somehow inspired by Akio Jissoji sand ATG in Buddhist trilogy.
"Pornography is the raw material for art, for the world for reality, for good and bad. All the paradoxes, all the attractions are there. One in the other. And from there you should be reborn. You are creators. The Primordials. Your own gods. Isn't it...? Don't you want to attack them? Don't you want to destroy them?"
an answer or a question
Do you want to play beautiful roles in beautiful films? Or hardcore ones in trash films, painful and provocative?
Do you want to become a star, respected and loved by all. Or a free spirit, misunderstood and contested by all?
An answer or A question?
Do you want to become a star, respected and loved by all. Or a free spirit, misunderstood and contested by all?
An answer or A question?
We all hide behind a Tool, a Craft, a Persona. No matter how hard we try, trough what kind of intervention, we can only recarve and change and rename our Tools. There is no way out, there is only a way in. And that Way is a silent one, a blind one.
My films blind the spectator.
My films are like drapes in front of drapes in front of drapes.
I do not want to seduce the spectator.
I leave the spectator alone in a jungle filled with dangers and repulsions.
Easily, very easily following him through his excruciating trip.
My films are like drapes in front of drapes in front of drapes.
I do not want to seduce the spectator.
I leave the spectator alone in a jungle filled with dangers and repulsions.
Easily, very easily following him through his excruciating trip.
Side Stories - Linear A
Linear A va fi acompaniat de alte citeva mici filme.
Un Lac - unde aflam mai multe despre relatia dintre Yba, Omondu si Constance si cum Yba foarte bolnava si dependenta de Omondu fuge catre nicaieri pina ajunge la Ecluza.
Camera Mica - unde il vom gasi pe Linn innainte de a incepe sa cinte ca sta singur intr-o camera de mai bine de un an. Si la care vine fosta si marea lui iubirea pentru a-l scapa cumva de acolo.
Initiation - este un performance in care Valerie impreuna cu sora ei Oana trec printr-o initiere bizara in care ei ii sint taiate hainele si este atinsa de 5 oameni deodata. Un ritual pentru a o ajuta sa poata sa se deschida emotional la apropierea corporala/emotionala cu ceialati oameni din grup. Dar vor aparea probleme si Valerie va fugi de toti si il va intilni pe Linn.
+ Joi Seara - despre o seara intre Sora Valeriei, Oana, si prietenul ei, seara in care afla ca este insarcinata si bolnava de hepatita C. Amindoi sint bolnavi. Un film despre 'asta e'-ul romanesc, atit de salvator.
Povestea este innaintea Linear A. Cumva explica legatura dintre Oana, Valerie si parintii lor. Stim din Linear A ca Valerie a plecat de acasa si nu mai vrea sa vorbeasca cu parintii ei.
+ Deleted Scenes
- Omondu se intilneste prima data cu Linn si Valerie, acestia cintind in cimp linga cortul in care locuiesc.
Un Lac - unde aflam mai multe despre relatia dintre Yba, Omondu si Constance si cum Yba foarte bolnava si dependenta de Omondu fuge catre nicaieri pina ajunge la Ecluza.
Camera Mica - unde il vom gasi pe Linn innainte de a incepe sa cinte ca sta singur intr-o camera de mai bine de un an. Si la care vine fosta si marea lui iubirea pentru a-l scapa cumva de acolo.
Initiation - este un performance in care Valerie impreuna cu sora ei Oana trec printr-o initiere bizara in care ei ii sint taiate hainele si este atinsa de 5 oameni deodata. Un ritual pentru a o ajuta sa poata sa se deschida emotional la apropierea corporala/emotionala cu ceialati oameni din grup. Dar vor aparea probleme si Valerie va fugi de toti si il va intilni pe Linn.
+ Joi Seara - despre o seara intre Sora Valeriei, Oana, si prietenul ei, seara in care afla ca este insarcinata si bolnava de hepatita C. Amindoi sint bolnavi. Un film despre 'asta e'-ul romanesc, atit de salvator.
Povestea este innaintea Linear A. Cumva explica legatura dintre Oana, Valerie si parintii lor. Stim din Linear A ca Valerie a plecat de acasa si nu mai vrea sa vorbeasca cu parintii ei.
+ Deleted Scenes
- Omondu se intilneste prima data cu Linn si Valerie, acestia cintind in cimp linga cortul in care locuiesc.
Administrative Help for open consciousness
I need someone to help me with some Administrative Help
because I am not good at it at all
I can't make phone calls, I can't set meetings and castings, I can't deal with responses to ads, I can't keep contact or initiate beautiful hangouts with actors and crew, I can't look for marketing or PR.
and all of them are so so vital to any filmic endeavor.
I need someone that can understand Art for art sake, someone that is not against gay people and BDSM, someone that understands Performance Art and Zen philosophy.
It is such an immense pain not to be able to do anything because you can not connect.
My helplessness is not fully understood by me. It seems to be a forgotten trauma mixed with my fear of expectation from other and irrational fear of suspicion and misunderstanding.
There are no financial compensations. I don't make films that would make money. I make films as medicine, as a floating device, as world and meaning to live into.
Please help me make film.
Misunderstood film
Usless film
Bad, Ugly, Stupid film
Pretentious film
Sincere film
Experience film
I am dead without it.
'I' means - all of us, us within the I, the I of this world we try to set free.
'I' am one of those that work to open and widen new worlds. Utopias. Places without Evil. Open spaces of open heart of Open soul of open consciousness.
because I am not good at it at all
I can't make phone calls, I can't set meetings and castings, I can't deal with responses to ads, I can't keep contact or initiate beautiful hangouts with actors and crew, I can't look for marketing or PR.
and all of them are so so vital to any filmic endeavor.
I need someone that can understand Art for art sake, someone that is not against gay people and BDSM, someone that understands Performance Art and Zen philosophy.
It is such an immense pain not to be able to do anything because you can not connect.
My helplessness is not fully understood by me. It seems to be a forgotten trauma mixed with my fear of expectation from other and irrational fear of suspicion and misunderstanding.
There are no financial compensations. I don't make films that would make money. I make films as medicine, as a floating device, as world and meaning to live into.
Please help me make film.
Misunderstood film
Usless film
Bad, Ugly, Stupid film
Pretentious film
Sincere film
Experience film
I am dead without it.
'I' means - all of us, us within the I, the I of this world we try to set free.
'I' am one of those that work to open and widen new worlds. Utopias. Places without Evil. Open spaces of open heart of Open soul of open consciousness.
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