Dintr-un Scenariu - Stefana

Spatele unei femei care se spala. In cada. Baia are un geam mare prin care intra lumina desi cada este in intuneric. Totul este invechit, fainata odata alba acum ingalbenita, cada cu email rupt, covorase murdare pe jos. O oglinda cojita sub care un raft de sticla murdara si citeva sticle de parfum si de fixativ. Un pahar colorat de periute de dinti si o singura periuta.
Pe masina de spalat sint hainele ei aruncate si citeva ziare si citeva rebusuri si un creion cu guma la celalalt capat.
Este o femeie trecuta cu pielea moale care ii atirna, o spala ca si cum ar vrea sa si-o puna la loc sa fie din nou intinsa frumos sa poata iesi afara din casa fara sa se simta vinovata si handicapata ca nu mai are cu ce sa atraga privire din jur.
Oglinda este aburita.
STEFANA isi spala calciiele cu o piatra ponce innegrita de vreme. Cu ea se spalau si copii ei cind erau mici.
Detaliile unei femei care se spala in umbra.
(Ferestrele sint aburite, afara se vad masini care trec, niste forme fantomatice care nu se aud deloc.)

there is no awakening

Freedom is something that we create.
Something we have to build.
There is no awakening.
Is building awakeness.

the gesture of looking

For me film is about the gesture of looking. About the feeling of looking at an unreachable point. Film/screen, moving image is touch.
Is a personal, emotional, point of view about forms. An exercise of reaching inside other people's soul, beyond their own consciousness.
Beyond any form or object. Into its own otherness. Purity covered by the machine.

conflicts with society

Man portrayed on the stage is significant as a social function. It is not his relationship to himself, nor his relationship to God, but his relationship to society which is central. Whenever he appears, his class or social stratum appears with him. His moral, spiritual or sexual conflicts are conflicts with society.

this is worth exploring

I am not saing 'this is it', 'this is the way' - I say 'this is worth exploring', 'this worth finding what it is about, dealing with it, playing with it, fighting with it'
I am not a preacher, I am an explorer. I don't have answers, I have only interesting questions.