Vietati - cinema du corp - artwork

On the bed - artwork for VIETATI

VIETATI - DIY film project - post-cinema

Pregatim un alt film no-budget.

A contemplative film where after a stroke, Eva crosses Life as crossing the Bardos towards rebirth, in another story exploring the inexistence of Death.

4 personaje in deep muted suffering. 4 personaje cu sufletul deschis in fata greselilor si abuzurilor bunatatii si dragostei celorlalti.

VIETATI - a film about holding on so painfully on that little thing that makes us human.

Un film despre o fata care care atinge limita existentei ei, o fata care se crede moarta, care trece prin Bardo. In acelasi timp este o calatorie printr-o relatie complicata despre cautarea unui inteles al dragostei, after the damage has already been made.

"Eva s-a trezit dar nu a deschis ochii inca.  Asculta linistea din camera si de afara. Simte ca este prea dimineata dar nu mai poate sa doarma. O oboseala calda ii deschide ochii mari si frumosi, numai pe jumatate. Viseaza si este treaza. Isi simte gura incarcata cu un miros greu. Ochii plini de puchi si pielea matuita. Nu ii place de loc de ea. Vrea sa se ridice si sa se duca sa se spele – sa invie. Dar este bine in pat sub patura calda si pozitia ei este asa de comoda... Patul se misca. Teo se ridica incet. Este frig."

cinema du corp

the Better World

All the good people want to make this world a better place. More beautiful and hopefully happier.
But let us supose all the world has became beautiful. What now?
How would the people think, feel, desire? What kind of people would be?
Would the people see all as beauty. Or would a sort of general beauty be posible for all?
A post-human world.

Post-Cinema is the cinema we do


international in setting, culture, social
meta in purpose
focused on inner experience and turmoil

It is another kind of performance, another kind of looking at a moving image. It is an image. The actor plays himself as acute and deep as he can. The characters have open hearts and vulnerable souls. It is not what they do but what they feel. Is the story of a feeling.
Is narrative art that explores feelings in emotional form. Is not about behavior anymore. Is about the extension and expression of special feelings.
No more Love and Dread. Our inner universe is so much more than that.
Is not action, is only emotion.
The spectator is involved is not only shown something. He has to figure things out. He has to make his own mind.
There is no ending, no conclusion. All stories are open. For our lives are always open. Always surprising.
Is another kind of outlook on life.

PostCinema is the cinema we do.

Sport vs Art

Sport is not Art
never look at Art with the expectations of Sport
Art is sacrifice
Sport is conquest
