Genes vs Consciousness

People can't believe in a religion with all their heart, can't respect a system of law and order, can't trust their own pleasures and fears, because all that they believe in is the all powerful deep and unconscious Gene - that is why in anthropology there is an oral unknown all powerful law, called the law of the land.

‪#‎Genes‬ are out most intimate guides and friends. They are our God and wisdom and truth. They are the only one we should trust.
Consciousness is too young in comparison. Is too wild and puerile. Gene's Way is the Tao.

Consciousness will never be able to rewrite the Genetic code. It can only Scramble it, a bit. All modifications end in Death.
Genes self protection. They order suicide when they feel a strange force conquering their perfection.

Genes never experiment, never try things, they are all knowing all controlling, all perfect.
These days consciousness is their main enemy. Our lives are all developing in the middle of this total war.

Genes vs Consciousness.
Old vs Young.
Known vs Unknown.

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